
you know the problem with being easy to please?

It's hard to figure out what you really like, what you really, REALLY like and what you like that day because you are in a mood. Does that make sense? I feel like maybe if I didn't like as many things I would be able to put items together better. Now, does that make sense? I guess I just wish that I had a distinct "design style" and could dress, decorate or create in a way that people would say, "that is totally Kat." My latest theory is that I can make things work by simply liking them. Maybe if I just buy everything I like and bring it home I will discover that it can work together? Do you think that's possible? It is definitely risky though because I like alot of stuff. You could even say, a little bit of everything. Maybe I should always be shopping for specific items while keeping what I already have at home in mind? What do you do to make it work?


Maureen said...

I love all kinds of styles, it's hard to focus on one! Now that I have more kiddos and less time to put together I try to just go classic-boring I know, but less time consuming! ;)

Melissa S. said...

I don't have a style, design or anything. I told Brooks even if I had ALL the money in the world to decorate my house, I'm not sure how I would do it yet. sorry, no good advice here. But I DO have a friend that will rip out pages of magazines or whatever when she sees things she likes, then tries to recreate what's on that picture.

Lilianne said...

I think it's totally legitimate to say that if you just buy things you really like, they'll somehow all fit together! My mom is this way and her house is so much fun. She just shoves a bunch of stuff all together in a house and it just works - it's totally eclectic and interesting - but it's really fun. I think you should try it out!

Jana said...

I do think you have a style... Whether you realize it or not. Like when you posted that pic of those Nike pants, I though to myself, "yep, those are totally Kat". I love them, BTW, and wish I could have some now.

I like a lot of different things too, and I find my style changes over the years too.