
a poor philosophy with some good results

Remember how I lost some weight recently? Remember how I abandoned my "health and fitness" blog? Remember how I love to bake and do it on a regular basis? Yeah well, all of those things combine to make this new philosophy I have. It's called, "eat whatever you want for lunch and then starve for dinner because you already consumed your allotted calories for the day."

I'm sure it's not the healthiest diet plan in the world but lets be honest, I have never been good at sticking to something that's as restrictive as well, a diet. So I choose to bake loaves of fluffy white bread and slather them with honey butter for breakfast. Or devour half an apple tart for lunch and drink hot water with lemon for dinner. I have even been known to make a BLT without the lettuce and tomato, scarf it down and then eat another. Yep, that's right. A bacon sandwich, or two, for lunch. Boy are they delicious.

I would say that I am better than this, that my New Year's resolution is to silence the junk food cravings and start eating green and raw and light and all that crap. But as good ole Abe Lincoln once said, I cannot tell a lie. And so, I have no New Year's resolution regarding healthy eating, only eating in general, and boy do I love to do that. Except at dinner time when I've already pigged out for the first half of the day. :)

I think I have finally found a way to eat terribly and still lose weight, and I only starve half the day to accomplish it! Haha! Awesome. I am awesome. Or lame. Whatev. Same difference right?


Jeanette said...

Dieting is the hardest thing in the world for me. I do all day and I mean ALL DAY and then after dinner I do some damage. It sucks but I can't stop myself! I just threw back a handful of buckeyes and then washed them down with some good old Coca Cola! And then I feel like a weak fatty afterwards..... that is what I'm feeling like right now!

{lindy baker cakes} said...

Dieting is so hard. Take it from me. However, I have lost 15 lbs. :)

Carmen said...

huh...never really considered skipping a meal. it makes me hungry just thinking about it...and also, what are buckeyes?? i'm emailing jeanette right now

Mrs. B said...

I am totally laughing at your bacon sandwich. That is seriously hilarious...but sounds kinda good :)

Heather B said...

Hot water with lemon, huh? I'll have to try it. Especially at 10 or 11 p.m. when I crave ice cream. I love those pics of Violet. LOVE HER!

KaSs MiLeS said...

i think we'd make great mom friends too, i tried to get jerome to move to arizona a while ago, he wouldn't go for it.

Our EyreLife said...

I'm going to give you some good old fashioned advice. Listen to your body.

Stop "starving" yourself. It isn't good for you...or your metabolism.

There's a GREAT book called, "Intuitive Eating." Buy it. Read it. Learn from it. You'll love it and it will REVOLUTIONIZE your life. It sure did mine.

Love ya. And your bacon sandwich. AND hot lemon water!!! :)Its my cure all for any sickness, by the way.

Sarah said...

so I am with you, I am going to do this weight thing with you and make you my inspiration to loose some unwanted pounds. please give me your email and I will email you weekly with updates on my weight, food intake and exercise. I need you to be my little kick in the but..

Lindsay Gunnell said...

You have every right to your own body, so only read this if you take my preaching knowing that it's all out of love...

If you figure out what healthy things you really like you will start to crave those more and healthy eating won't be a chore. I recently bought this (way too expensive) balsamic vinegar and now I crave salads because it's seriously sooo good. Also, when I get antsy to bake something I always take it to a neighbor or to school to share so I don't eat half a pan of brownies myself. When I'm hungry I always try drinking a glass of water first because sometimes our bodies are just thirsty and we misinterpret that. I also watch the biggest loser to remind myself of what I've leanred in school about nutrition and exercise and to put some fire under my butt. It's awesome motivation.

And finally, I think counting calories and obsessing over food is so hard and not worth it! You will only keep weight off if you lose it the healthy way, which is to change your diet "lifestyle" slowly--you know that already though. So stop kidding yourself that this is healthy! Surround yourself with fruits and veggies and add extras (like bacon) so that you find ways you like to eat them. Eating only white bread and bacon might be fine one day, but you can't keep that up. Trust me. My favorite book about this is, "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan. Try it sometime when you get some free time. Love you!

Kayla R. said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE working out!!! BUT i HATE diets!

{lindy baker cakes} said...

It's funny to me that people are giving YOU advice on dieting/eating. You are always so inspiring to me. You should be giving the advice. It's okay if you ate like crap for lunch and want to skip out on dinner. You aren't starving yourself and you know that. Love you.

Ashley Koz said...

haha, i sort of do that too, I'm always good at breakfast, lunch is definitely my "fun meal" where I get most my calories of the day and then I'm pretty good at just sticking to just fish/veggies and brown rice for dinner. Hey we have to get what we want at some point in the day right?

I do agree with Jesse about the book intuitive eating (which basically tells you to eat what you want, when you want), i read it and it helped me a lot, I became a bit of a dieting queen there for a while. But I cannot tell a lie either, sometimes I slip back into my dieting ways a bit. Once an addict always an addict :)