
A bunch of stuff

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

So I really am apologizing for posting once again about a fabulous day at the beach but we have just been having so many of them lately. I am posting some pics of Mommy, Daddy and baby and a couple videos. One is of baby boy and his fearlessness in the water. The other is Daddy and baby going for a towel ride down the hall of our apartment. Just wait for the surprise ending! :) The first pic is Daddy throwing Chunky in the air so if you were worried that we glued him up there, calm down. Seriously though my baby is fearless at the beach! He charges towards the water! I hope he never changes and becomes some totally famous awesome surfer kid. Like the next John-john or something.

Anyway, on another note, I want to share a cute moment. Every night when we bathe Jack we hand him a bunch of toys and he splashes and babbles and it's all very cute but lately he has been "reading". He has two Baby Einstein bath books that we read to him every bath session and lately he will get really quiet and just stare at them and turn the pages and touch the pictures. It is so just mmmmm! I can't wait to have another!!!! I'm sure those of you with two are laughing and saying "oh just you wait" but I still want another.

Ok one more thing. If any of you have ideas of fun things to do with a one year old during the day please let me know. I am running out of ideas and the chunky is getting bored!

Ok I know I said up there that I only had one more thing but here is one more. My beautiful friend Jana has a shop on Etsy. She is a fabulous knitter and her stuff is so darling. I wish that you could all meet her because then you would all go to her shop and buy everything. (Yeah she is that wonderful) Anyway, check it out if you like. IdKnitThat


Anonymous said...

Awe, Kat... Thank you!

You are so great, I miss you!

{lindy baker cakes} said...

Her knitting is beautiful!!!! I wish I had a little baby and I'd buy that little knitted bundle thing. It's darling! Oh and p.s. those are the cutest videos ever!!! You make it look so fun to have kids. I'm sure it's not always blissful, but you are so inspirational. You are such a good mommy. Love you.

Heather B said...

Don't apologize for posting gorgeous pictures, you are going to miss it and wish you had millions of Hawaii pics. We will all get over our jealousy.

Those videos are TOO cute, and I giggled at Jack charging to the water, and full on laughed at the surprise ending. LOVED EM! I miss you guys!

Margaret Vance said...

Kat... you HAVE TO take him to the Children's Discovery Center. They have a "tot-spot" and other stuff that he can get into. It's great! It's kinda pricey ($7 or $8) for adults but it's SO WORTH IT! Wes and Nia LOVE IT so I'm sure Chunky will too :)

Sarah said...

Those videos are way cute and funny. He is such a fun little boy!!!!

LeeRae said...

He is sooooo cute
I love his smile~ ^ ^